Our unified development process, supported by our flexible client engagement model, our proven onsite-offshore development methodology, and our quality management system, shortens the application development timeframes providing significant business benefits to our clients.
We provide both end-to-end solutions (analysis to maintenance) and specific design/development services. These are supplemented by our vast expertise in design and development of host-centric or n-tier client-server architecture across a wide variety environments. Our expertise helps us to incorporate best-of-the-breed tools and techniques in the software development life cycle.
Solid design, good coding practices, thorough debugging, and adequate documentation are important aspects of any successful software project. One other equally crucial component in the development life cycle is the completion of comprehensive testing prior to rollout. Increasingly, software testing has become harder to carry out — not for lack of tools, but because of the changes in our computing environments, which now contain components on disparate platforms that may often be difficult to test.
SSI has wide experience in the design and development of systems using client server architecture with Windows based clients and UNIX/Windows-NT based servers. The software development is being carried out using both procedure oriented as well as object oriented methodologies. Several case tools for database design, object oriented analysis and design and testing are utilized in the development process.
As a company we are unique in our abilities to serve you based on our breadth of choice, depth of expertise, quality, timeliness and global presence. We can either work from the written specifications and can assist you in preparing the specifications or can work together to complement your technical workforce.
SWe manage a wide variety of applications for clients through our maintenance operations. We have successfully maintained our clients systems irrespective of complications such as the system age, poor documentation and lack of expertise in the relevant technologies. Our mature application maintenance process includes three inter-linked processes — adaptive maintenance, preventive maintenance, and corrective maintenance. Our comprehensive methodology for application maintenance captures the functionality and processes for the entire sustenance life cycle
We’re available for 8 hours a day! Contact to require a detailed analysis and assessment of your plan.
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